Sunday, July 15, 2012

"B Vitamins and Real Life Applications" with Karen Lyke, MS, CNN

Holistic Nutrition Degree - "B Vitamins and Real Life Applications" with Karen Lyke, MS, CNN.
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Do you know about - "B Vitamins and Real Life Applications" with Karen Lyke, MS, CNN

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How is "B Vitamins and Real Life Applications" with Karen Lyke, MS, CNN

"B Vitamins and Real Life Applications" with Karen Lyke, MS, CNN Video Clips. Duration : 81.53 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Holistic Nutrition Degree . Karen Lyke, MS, CCN will discuss B vitamins, connecting signs and symptoms of deficiencies with their biochemical and physiological functions, and their relevance in clinical practice. If someone has cracks in their tongue, is feeling unusually tired, or has poor memory, it could be that they are low in one or more of the B-complex vitamins. You'll learn more about their practical applications, and how to correct insufficiencies with food and supplements. Karen Lyke, MS, CCN is an instructor for Hawthorn University's Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition Consultant, and Weston A. Price WISE Traditions programs, and a student in the Doctoral program. Prior to joining Hawthorn, she taught anatomy & physiology and nutrition for massage therapy and acupuncture students in Atlanta, GA. Karen is active in the Toledo/NW Ohio area chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, building connections with farmers raising pastured, grass-fed meats and dairy products. Karen is also a Master Gardener focusing on healthy soil for nutrient dense vegetables, a member of Toastmasters International, and enjoys playing the piano. Her interest in holistic nutrition goes back decades, spurred by personal and family health challenges.
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