Monday, July 9, 2012

The Side Effects of Pain Killers Drugs - Part 1

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Attacking more than pain - Part 1

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How is The Side Effects of Pain Killers Drugs - Part 1

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Most drugs are consumed for a tasteless purpose - the hope that they will offer some degree of pain relief. Whether out of desperation or habit, population normally turn to pain medications to relief the agonizing pain caused by arthritis, migraine headache, back injuries, surgeries and other ailments. To consumers' satisfaction, pain killers often live up to their promises and dull what seems to be unbearable pain. In turn, however, they can also bring a collection of dangerous and frequently overlooked consequences.

None is without harmful side effects, Whether in the form of over the counter (Otc) drugs, such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-flammatory drugs (Nsaids) or designate drugs such as narcotics and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Unknown to many consumers, pain medications may be attacking more than pain, thereby inhibiting the body's natural defenses against illness.


Aspirin is a prime example of an Otc drug that provides a aggregate of sure and negative results. Nearby for years, aspirin has come to be the tasteless explication to many health dilemmas. Because of its popularity, studies show that many population no longer view aspirin as a drug, entertaining it just as they would a daily vitamin. Basil Hirschowitz, M.D., a University of Alabama at Birmingham gastroenterologist noted this observation: "In 30 cases of patients with surgical operation for intractable ulcers, blood tests showed they had been taking aspirin. But half the patients denied using aspirin. Many population may not comprehend aspirin is in the medicine they are taking or they are in denial of the potential dangers of taking the drugs" (Aspirin).

Indeed, aspirin is a drug with the potential to cause continuing damage. Aspirin is a locally irritating, corrosive substance, which when used for a long time or in high doses can growth the likelihood of developing peptic ulcers in the lower part of the esophagus, the stomach or the starting of the small intestine. Aspirin also causes bleeding in the stomach and over time, can weaken the body's capability to slow and contain bleeding throughout the body. Taking aspirin for as limited as three days can growth the amount of bleeding while childbirth, tooth removal and surgery. Many physicians propose that population with serious liver disease, kidney malfunction, vitamin K insufficiency and blood clotting disorders refrain from taking aspirin. Furthermore, many population are allergic to aspirin, experiencing a wide collection of reactions from hives and rashes to swollen lymph nodes, severe breathing difficulties and drop in blood pressure. Rarely a man will have an anaphylactic reaction (collapse in shock) on taking it (Withers).

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids)

Over time, the world's search for an ideal pain killer has expanded to contain a wide collection of anti-inflammatory drugs in expanding to aspirin. These anti-inflammatory drugs can be divided into two categories - nonsteroidal and steroidal drug. The more frequently used of the two categories, Nsaids, work by inhibiting the formation of chemicals in the body that cause pain, fever and inflammation. This drug group includes pain killers such as acetaminophen and ibuprophen. Nsaids have proven beneficial, but nevertheless, they are all linked with principal side effects.

Nsaids inhibit the formation of thromboxane A2 and prostaglandin endoperoxides which are principal for platelet aggregation. With most Nsaids, this increased bleeding period lasts only until the drug has been eliminated (1-2 days); however, aspirin produces prolonged effects of 7-10 days. Regarding wound healing, there is some evidence for impairment of healing of intestinal anastomoses. Although acetaminophen is not as likely to cause stomach damage as aspirin, it is characterized by its own harmful effects. Larges doses of acetaminophen may cause severe liver damage and death.

The functions of many Nsaids are widely misunderstood. For example, while numbing pain, acetaminophen does not help stiffness or inflammation. However, many consumers admit to entertaining acetaminophen for this purpose. Someone else customary group, the elderly, consume pain medicines without realizing that they now have reduced renal clearance of Nsaids and require appropriately reduced doses.

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