Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Balancing Your Hormones with Natural Progesterone Cream

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Do you know about - Balancing Your Hormones with Natural Progesterone Cream

Holistic Nutrition Schools! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Dozens of women enter our health store every week with symptoms of unbalanced hormones. Some have tried many things, including the former medical advent of Hormone replacement Therapy (Hrt), and haven't achieved their desired results. So, often as a last resort, they come to our store. Having been through major hormonal imbalance some years ago, and a person who searches until answers are found, I have answers for them.

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How is Balancing Your Hormones with Natural Progesterone Cream

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Holistic Nutrition Schools.

Natural Progesterone Cream is where I all the time begin. We live in an estrogen dominant society where symptoms seemed to be the norm. Actually, when a woman is hormonally balanced, there are no symptoms!
But I bet you opinion cramping, bloating, headaches, mood swings or hot flashes are what you should expect; that's just being a woman. Not so!

What is Estrogen Dominance?

Due to our environment, diet, stress, and lifestyle choices, we have come to be an estrogen dominant society. Heavy amounts of hormones, steroids and antibiotics are injected into our cattle and poultry, posing a serious health risk to all who ingest them. Consequently, the use of these substances in our meat and dairy supply, has helped to generate estrogen dominance in men, women and children alike. Environmental use of petroleum products and a whole parade of chemicals have also added to an overabundance of estrogen-like substances (false estrogens) in our bodies when we use products made from these chemicals. These products include: plastics, synthetic clothing, pesticides, cosmetics, cleaning products, toiletries, food and even things like condoms. We use these things every day of our lives in manifold ways, so you can see how easy it is to come to be estrogen dominant.

Estrogen, when out of balance in its ratio to progesterone within your body, causes many problems. Progesterone is crucially prominent and acts as a regulator for all other hormones in your body, and especially assists in balancing your estrogen levels. Progesterone is one of the first hormones in an whole chain of hormones, and it is essential for the other hormones in your body to function properly, including thyroid and adrenal hormones. All of these hormones are part of the endocrine system, and your endocrine law supports and regulates every law in your body. When there is imbalance and estrogen dominance, the following symptoms can occur:

o Mood swings or depression

o Bloating

o Headaches, even migraines

o Breast soreness and swelling

o Weight gain

o Water retention

o Fibroid tumors

o Endometriosis

o Cramps

o Constipation

o Foggy thinking

o Loss of sex drive

o Heavy menstruation or irregularity

o Infertility

o Craving for sweets

o Dry skin and hair

o Dark circles under eyes

o Fatigue, lethargy

Traditional medical Response

If you're feeling nothing else but awful and you decree to visit your doctor, you'll probably be given a dissimilar approach, one that uses chemicals (something that is foreign to your body and extremely toxic) to perhaps get rid of your present symptoms, only to trade off for maybe a half dozen other side effects. It could be a prescribe of Prozac or something similar to help your mood swings and depression or a stimulant to help you lose weight. You could be given Hrt or birth operate pills, all synthetic hormones, to relax your symptoms. You might nothing else but find some relief in these approaches, but in the long run you'll be putting yourself at a higher risk for breast and uterine cancer and a host of other potential disorders as well as addressing only symptoms rather than seeing the cure.

You might ask why the medical profession doesn't riposte the benefits of natural, safe and effective ways to advent your imbalance. The hypothesize is nothing else but quite simple; they are not taught inhibitive medicine. They are taught in medical schools which are supported by drug companies. They are taught to get rid of symptoms with surgical operation or prescribe drugs. But going beyond that, we know that natural remedies cannot be regulated by the Fda, which means they receive no financial benefits from citizen using them, especially if they correct the imbalance and the patient no longer seeks a doctor's help. So what it all boils down to is monetary greed, and perhaps lack of awareness as to the healthier benefits of a natural approach. The beauty of it all is you have a choice. You can select to take operate of your own body and health rather than giving away that operate to person else.

Why are the synthetic hormones so harmful to you? They are not even close to the progesterone your body produces. Dr. John Lee, a noted authority on the useful uses of Natural Progesterone Cream, has often shown in his lectures and books through diagrams, how the synthetic progestin (posing as progesterone) used as a replacement for your own natural progesterone by former medicine, is only one molecule away from Pvc pipe! The synthetic hormones, whether estrogen or progestin, pose an increased risk for breast, cervical and endometrial cancer as well as for gall stones and heart attacks, according to varied alternative medical reports. It was written that a woman who has taken Hrt for a few years and is 55 years old or more has an increased risk by 80% for a stroke or heart attack. I doubt you've been told that by your medical professional! And you've probably not been told that one out of eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime while one out of a thousand men will also develop breast cancer in their lifetime! (Dr John Lee's book, "What Your physician May Not Tell You About Menopause" is a fabulous reference and source for comprehension hormonal balance plainly and obtaining more information.)

Benefits of Using Natural Progesterone Cream

So what can using Natural Progesterone Cream do for you? Below is a list of the benefits that often occur when using Natural Progesterone Cream.

o Helps use fat for vigor rather than storing it

o Is a natural antidepressant

o Protects against fibrocystic breasts

o Helps to boost thyroid action

o Restores libido (sex drive)

o Helps to forestall breast cancer

o Improves vigor and endurance

o Helps to balance estrogen, testosterone and other


o Provides a feeling of well being

o Assists in improving and even reversing osteoporosis

o Balances blood sugar levels

o Precursor to cortisol and Dhea - prominent adrenal


o Needed for permissible function of adrenal glands

To fully understand the significance of progesterone, the following list gives the effects of estrogen in your body. Do understand that estrogen is a essential hormone for many functions, like puberty and pro-creation, but if not balanced it can generate havoc in your life and body.

o Increases body fat

o Breast stimulation

o Interferes with thyroid hormone

o Decreases libido

o Salt and fluid retention

o Interferes with blood sugar balance

o Increases risk of endometrial cancer

o Stimulates increase of cells

o Can cause headaches

o Contributes to depression

Natural progesterone therapy is being used successfully by many health care professionals around the globe to treat the symptoms of both Pms and menopause. More and more health professionals are becoming aware of the potential dangers of synthetic hormones, particularly estrogen, and we are seeing a shift to using natural approaches, particularly the use of Natural Progesterone Cream. Even though a shift has begun, we have a long way to go in convincing the main stream medical professionals of the benefits of natural remedies over chemical drugs.

We have learned through contemporary investigate and documented results that progesterone can elevate hormone levels while balancing those levels, counteract bone loss, help restore adrenal and thyroid function, and even expand the operation of the liver. Your body has the right to taste vibrant and wholesome hormones in balance, and you deserve the best. The best for you will never be synthetic hormones, or anything synthetic for that matter, because your body is a vibrantly alive, energetic being who breathes the breath of life. Life can only be sustained through something alive, not synthetic!

So why not plainly take a pill of progesterone? anything you take internally must go through the digestive law and be broken down. Part of that, perhaps half or more, will be lost in the process. Using progesterone cream any way is readily absorbed into your body, often within seconds, and the majority of the cream is utilized by your body. You see, there are many pores in your skin that nothing else but suck up anything you place on your skin, manufacture the cream the most useful way of a receiving a dose that is swiftly and effectively used by your body.

How Do You Use Natural Progesterone Cream?

If you are still Menstruating normally and have a 28 day cycle, use the Natural Progesterone Cream from day 13 of your cycle (day 1 is the first day of your period) and desist it on day 27. Your period should begin the next day. Succeed the directions for the whole to use according to the instructions on your container of progesterone cream. Adjust the days if your cycle is longer or shorter to where you use the cream for 14 days, beginning at the middle of your cycle.

For Peri Menopause, you may begin using the Natural Progesterone Cream on day 8 and continue until day 27. If your period doesn't start, plainly wait 8 days and begin again.

Menopause means you haven't had a menses for one year. At this time you shift into using the Natural Progesterone Cream the majority of the month, but all the time remaining off the progesterone cream for 4 - 7 days. Why? Because your body continues to cycle even without the flow of blood. Hormones are normally low while your menses, so it is prominent to continue with the normal rhythm of your body and desist use for those few days. For me, as a postmenopausal woman, I find that if I desist using the progesterone cream after the last day of the month, then resume it on day 5 or 6 of the following month, I can more nothing else but remember this since there are no more periods to calculate.

Rub the Natural Progesterone Cream onto your skin morning and evening (twice daily) because it only lasts in your body 8-10 hours. Rotate where it is applied as well because dissimilar receptor sites around your body need to benefit. Apply to breasts, stomach, inside upper arms, inside and surface thighs, bottoms of feet, wrists, etc. These areas of your body can suck up easier and faster and are ideal locations for applying the progesterone cream. It might be good to rub a small whole into your adrenal gland area (right above your kidneys in your low back) and/or thyroid area (at the base of your throat) as these glands are often in need of hormonal aid too.

A container of Natural Progesterone Cream normally lasts about two months, more or less according to how much you use. Avoid purchasing a jar or pump of progesterone cream that has phyto-estrogens in it. These could be: black cohosh, dong quai, licorice, Siberian ginseng, blessed thistle. The main purpose of using the progesterone cream is to help your body balance from the excess of estrogen you presently are experiencing, so even using natural plant (phyto) estrogens plainly continues the symptoms and contributes to more estrogen overload. Avoid soy as well as it is normally a processed stock which makes it synthetic, and can have estrogen-like operation in your body. It is also related to manifold digestive and allergy problems.

Understand that using progesterone cream is a plus for men and women alike. Men are being exposed to multitudes of chemicals and synthetic hormones through their diet and environment just as women and children. That's one of the reasons so many men are developing breast cancer as well as prostate cancer. Dr John Lee and other holistic health professionals recommend a man should use the progesterone cream once daily to safe his prostate glands (4 out of 5 men 50 and older will have prostate enlargement and difficulties) and to help balance all hormones in his body. Girls approaching puberty who are experiencing mood swings and irritable behavior, may also advantage from using Natural Progesterone Cream.

Do understand that using Natural Progesterone Cream is not a panacea, any way I believe it may very well be an adjunct for improving your health. It is all the time advisable to seek the help of a professional, but seek out a holistic practitioner who realizes the whole body must be taken into observation when diagnosing and creating a remedy for an issue. My personal choice, having used it for years, is Restored Balance.

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