Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Quick and Easy to prepare Homemade Dog Food Recipes

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Do you know about - Quick and Easy to prepare Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Online Holistic Nutrition Degree! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When it comes to preparing homemade dog food, it seems so difficult and unachievable, especially with the type of busy lifestyle we live in this contemporary age. As a matter of fact, preparing homemade dog food can be easy and furnish good nutrient for your dog as well furnish you know what you are doing.

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How is Quick and Easy to prepare Homemade Dog Food Recipes

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If given a choice, I'm sure your dog would prefer natural dog food get ready by you rather than funny size, unrecognizable commercial kibble that are not as healthy. The main question with most commercial kibble food is that they comprise too much low ability protein that contains a high quantity of ammonia producing agents.

A good wholesome replacement would be foods that comprise eggs, real meats with a low fat article such as white chicken meat, and low fat dairy products such as yogurt and cottage cheese. Such foods are high in moisture and furnish high ability protein that dogs need for good health.

One high ability and quick homemade meal that you can furnish for your dog would be:


Cottage cheese


Chicken (Baked, steam fish, or canned fish)

Cooked Oatmeal

Canned Pumpkin (plain, no spice type)

The cottage cheese, egg and chicken should make up to about fifty percent of the meal, oatmeal thirty percent, and twenty percent pumpkin. Barley and whole wheat bread can be used as substitute for the carbohydrates. This recipe only takes a few minutes to get ready and your dog will love it! On the surface, this meal might appear to have high protein content, nevertheless, the protein are of high ability and your dog would have no question digesting them.

Vegetable based biscuits are someone else easy to get ready dog food that can be stored for later in the refrigerator or freezer:


An Egg

1/3 cup of applesauce

Tablespoon of brewer's yeast

A Cup each of cooked brown rice, mashed or grated vegetables

Mix well and drop small dollops of the combination on a greased cookie tray and bake for about 10 to 13 minutes in a 350 degrees heated baking oven. These biscuits can be served as a treat or as part of your dog's daily meal.

Preparing your dog food at home is not honestly difficult and time consuming. A quest on dog food recipes online can give you many good dog food recipes also. If you are good at it, you can even furnish great cusine for your dog and save some money along the way.

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